Tuesday 22 August 2017

Wave 5 - McMourning

Its time for another solo entry about the good old crazy doc McMourning. Lets look at his two new upgrades as well as his new hiring pool. But first:

Guild Coroner

What the card does:

  • Allows placing a scheme marker near an enemy model after you kill a different enemy model with a CC attack. Then you can take one of the two 0s on this upgrade
  • Gives a (0) that lets you discard a corpse marker in 2" to draw 2 cards and discard 1
  • Gives you a (0) that requires a 6 and discards all corpse markers in 3" and for each 2 you get a Soulstone
  • Costs 1 Soulstone

What it allows to do in game:

Pros: Gives Doc a way to replenish Soulstones and cycle cards. The scheme thing is pretty dependant but can be funny in Set Up or to prepare for a Dig Their Graves. Both the (0)s are good but I really wouldn`t use them on my own considering Expunge and Induction exist

Cons: Its not super effective. Bad matchups can screw you (Constructs will choose to drop scrap even if in Plastic Surgery aura) and has a pretty serious competition for upgrade slots. I don`t know how often I would use the (0) from the upgrade normally but I don`t think it would be very often.


I personally think its more of a fun upgrade. In Guild you have Plastic Surgery, On The Clock and Badge of Office (Or Tests Subjects) that work better but time will tell as I might be wrong (Wave 5 models might also change something here)

5/10 (McMourning looks like he could be Chatty)

Test Subjects

What the card does:

  • Allows you to hire 4 Beasts (non Gamin so say farewell to Poison Gamin) or Academics
  • Gives an 8 inch aura that heals Beasts and Academics when they activate
  • Costs 1 Soulstone

What it allows to do in game:

Pros: It gives an insane hiring pool, like, Marcus sized. The amount of combinations that you can do are pretty cool. It allows both thematic/fun and competetive options in my opinion.

Cons: Don`t know if dropping Badge of Office is worth it and how will it affect power level.


Holy shit. The list of things you can hire is super big. So first of all, I`m not really sold on the Academic part. Kudra with Debt seems like a fine hire (she has 4 attacks on the charge with low damage and poison). Other thing I consider is Amina Naidu but I need to read her more to make sure she`s worth the stones. I don`t think the Mages are worth it without the Runes/Shielding. The Students and Valedictorian don`t seem that good but I might change my stance on Valedictorian after I have a chance to play her.
Going into Beasts, the first things that come into mind are: Scorpius because he has poison synergies and is awesome. Raptors because they can make stuff Beasts which affects the regen. They also are pretty good induction targets. Rogue Necromancies as we have Domadors (I`ll have a blog post about them soon) to Obey them and shoot more. Silurids because 7" Leap is perfect for Stake a Claim (I already bought 3), Gupps because they are cheaper Silurids and they are pretty ok in Leave Your Mark- like schemes. Canine Remains can debuff Df which also can be nice as we have a lot more min 3-4 attacks than Resurrectionists. Blessed of December also looks like a good mix of mobility with Damage dealing. The Sow with Domadors healing her can also be pretty funny. Another idea is Myranda with Debt that charges something using Debt (so you draw a card) and then Shapeshifts to give you a SS to the pool. Resser side can also look into the Rattler as he gives out poison +2 with his attack. Debt Cerberus can also be pretty crazy with min 4 (and possible Armor ignoring from the Queller). As you can see McMourning became a bit of a solo faction. I can`t wait to see him in action!

9/10 (What? No reckless Beasts?!)

If you have some nice combos and ideas for Beast/Academic stuff, let me know!

All images are property of Wyrd Miniature (www.wyrd-games.net)

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