Quick Note: I will not be playing Nellie as I played her almost exclusively for the last 5 months or so
Deployment: Standard
Strategy: Headhunter
Schemes: Claim Jump, Dig Their Graves, Accusation, Inspection, Recover Evidence
Lady Justice (Cache 4)- Badge of Office (once per game reduces damage to 1)
- Swordfighter (Place, attack, place (2) action and recalled training-like buff against a specific model)
Francisco Ortega
- Wade In (Hard to Kill and a (0) with healing)
- Hermanos De Armas ( (0) push to base contact)
Guard Sergeant
Guild Austringer
Phiona Gage
- Transparency (lets you place markers when you hit something)
Brutal Effigy
Guild Hound
Guild Hound
Guild Hound
Guild Hound
Why this:
Looking at the scheme pool I automatically remove Accusation from my potential choices.This leave me with 4 schemes left and I want to prepare for most of them.
I decided on Justice mostly for the Swordfighter thing. I was thinking about McCabe but I dislike him and since I don`t play Nellie I didn`t really want a lot of shooting as its mostly counterproductive in Headhunter. This leaves us with Lucius who I didn`t play for a lot (and had 0 games after the errata), Justice and McMourning but Outcasts have high chances of condition immunity/poison removal so the latter didn`t seem like a great option. No scheme requires me to go beyond the center line so its also quite good with Justice.
Francisco Ortega: is a bad motherf****r and has min damage 3, Flurry. We all know he costs 9 and has 1 upgrade slot because Wade In is an auto-take. He also got Hermanos to push Justice up the field. I also need someone to get those heads rolling if Justice fails and potentially dig some graves in the process. Defense 7 Justice is a lot scarier than Defense 5 Justice because Riposte doesn`t only trigger on potshots.
Guard Sergeant: is there to do Claim Jump with his (0) as he can put 2 scheme markers and push one of them so they both count for the scheme. He can also push a marker towards an enemy to ease scoring Dig their Graves. Apart from that he`s shit with Df4 but with the armor he can at least take some hits. He does speed up the dogs though.
Guild Austringer: is pretty good in Headhunter due to Deliver Orders. Plain and simple
Brutal Effigy: solid pick for Justice. She gets attacked by a lot of shit and she can get 2-3 Wounds back without using Juggernaut. She can also quite easily get 1 or 2 cards back which is the cost of Swordfighter. He`s also a solid 4SS minion with very good defenses.
4 Guild Hounds: They give me some activation control. I can also pick up heads with them and more importantly I can try to score Inspection or pick up Recover Evidence markers as they aren`t peons.
Phiona Gage: I was actually thinking about Queeg but 2 schemes that I have most chances of taking require scheme markers so Transparency seemed like a nice option. I wanted A Debt to the Guild but couldn`t afford it.
What other units I was considering:
Pathfinder: he really helps with Inspection and trap summons can be annoying.Master Queeg: I really like him in Headhunter as he can pick up a head from 8" and has 3" engagement which is pretty annoying. Promises works wonders with Justice and Francisco.
Scales of Justice: I think its a bit underrated. Its pretty decent for its cost. It has a nice Wp boost aura and if you combine it with 2 card discard from Swordfighter your chances of card draw are significantly increased.
Fucking Hamelin (5SS)- Piper (Obey and 6" no charge aura)
- Infectious Melodies (Minions and Peons can get fast and die at the end of their activation)
Ashes and Dust
-Bigger They Are (Increases damage versus non-Master models with upgrades)
- Oathkeeper (Discard for fast)
Freikorps Trapper
Obedient Wretch
Winged Plague (Abomination model)
Malifaux Rat
He only has 8 activations. Easy-peasy!
Guild Schemes: Dig their Graves, Inspection
Outcasts Schemes: Dig their Graves, Recover Evidence
I immediately removed Recover Evidence when I saw Hamelin. He can have so many models back its not worth the fuss. I went with Dig Their Graves and was hesitating between Inspection and Claim Jump but I took Inspection because it seemed less AP intensive. Bartek chose Dig Their Graves and Recover Evidence (he wanted to try it).
I immediately removed Recover Evidence when I saw Hamelin. He can have so many models back its not worth the fuss. I went with Dig Their Graves and was hesitating between Inspection and Claim Jump but I took Inspection because it seemed less AP intensive. Bartek chose Dig Their Graves and Recover Evidence (he wanted to try it).
I win deployment flip and let him deploy first.
Deployment |
Turn 1:
This turn was mostly positioning. Francisco used El Mayor and Cover me on Justice. Bishop double walked and put a scheme marker. Trapper shot a dog and hit moderate with crit strike on negative (he focused, I was in cover). Lady Justice went up the field. Hamelin does his rat shenanigans and ends up with a Rat Catcher and a rat. Austringer Delivers Orders to Francisco to place a scheme marker.
End of Turn one |
Score: 0:0
Turn 2:
Bishop`s dead, Baby. Bishop`s dead. |
I lose initiative. He forgot Lady Justice has Blindfighter so he activated Stolen and turned into 2 rats. Justice uses Justice at the End of a Blade and charges Bishop. After 3 hits and 5 13s and 12s from the both of us he is dead.
Trapper shoots a dog and misses Guild Sergeant picks up the head of the dog killed in round 1. 2 dogs walk out after trapper misses and put 1 scheme marker. Last dog engages AnD near Inspection and so does Brutal Effigy. Rat Catcher hits Effigy twice and brings him to 2 Wds. Ashes uses Industrial Age on the Effigy which I fail (just on Effigy) and then manages to kill him and then hit moderate on a negative flip for the Hound and creates an Abomination and scores Dig Their Graves. Plague double walks to engage a dog and block my faked Claim Jump. Bartek creates 2 Rat Kings and one turns into a Rat Catcher. One of the Rat Kings slowly moves towards my Hounds.
Middle of turn 2 |
Winged Abomination Plague blocks my fake marker |
Score: 1:1 (Outcasts score Dig Their Graves, Guild scores Headhunter)
Turn 3:
I lose initiative for the third time. Bartek declares Recover Evidence. I put markers near Francisco, Justice, Austringer and 2 dogs. After moving a rat, Austringer Delivers Orders to Francisco to pick up a head. Abomination engages Guild Sergeant. Phiona charges Rat Catcher, kills a rat from rams and places a marker and leaves him at one Wd.
Francisco gets hit by a Trapper twice and prevents one shot. Frank pushes Justice towards Ashes and Hamelin. Rat Catcher removes my Scheme Marker and places his own. Bartek attacks a Hound with the Winged Plague but misses and goes Defensive. Two dogs bite at him for 3 damage. Second Hound can`t hit because Bartek cheats my 13 with a RJ. Guard Sergeant walks away from the Abomination and pushes a marker towards the Rat Catcher. Justice uses Acrobatic Assault but can`t hit the Rat Catcher, she finishes him off with third AP scoring Dig Their Graves. Ashes charges Francisco and kills him scoring Dig Their Graves. Second Rat Catcher picks up a head.
Turn 3 |
Score: 3:3 (we both score Headhunter and Dig Their Graves)
Turn 4:
Ashes bring Phiona down to 1 Wd. Austringer makes her pick up Rat Catchers Head. Plague tries to kill Dog but fails and goes Defensive.
Phiona walks and hits Ashes for 5 damage. Trapper falls down the building for 5 damage (4 after Armor) and walks towards a Evidence Marker. Both dogs finish the Winged Plague and score Dig Their Graves. Justice kills Ashes and Dust with her attack and places behind Dust Storm and a Rat Catcher (attacking the Rat Catcher for 5 damage) to prevent them from going towards Heads/Core respectively. I pass all Industrial Ages (except 1 on the Sergeant). Hamelin Pipers my Justice after randomizing twice but only manages to hit once. Ashes Reforms and Rat Catcher picks up head and sacrifices himself from Infectious Melodies while reactivating the Rat King. Rat King picks up an Evidence Marker. Reactivated Rat King kills Phiona for Dig Their Graves.
Turn 4 and the Jumping Justice |
Turn 4 |
Turn 4 |
Score: 6:6 (Outcasts score all 3. Guild scores all 3)
Turn 5:
I lose initiative fifth time in a row. Trapper picks up an Evidence Marker and shoots dog for 2 and pushes towards second marker. Dog walks and picks up head. Companions into another Hound which charges the Rat King and stays within 4" of the edge.
Rat King hits dog twice but BJ the second attack. (Bartek should have activated Hamelin first and go within LOS to allow him to Infectious Melodies) Justice uses Acrobatic Assault, hits Ashes for 8 and places so she`s within Inspection range. She attacks and fails the second attack. Hamelin walks and Obeys the trapper to pick up the second evidence marker. Guard Sergeant kills Ashes and Dust and score 3rd point from Dig Their Graves and walks towards the edge. Dust Storm attacks the Sergeant, hits the trigger to push, kills her on a straight flip and rearranges into Ashes. Hamelin walks and picks up a head. Game ends
Turn 5 |
Third Ashes and Dust assembles |
More end of game |
Score: 9:9 (Outcasts score 2 from Recover Evidence and 1 from Headhunter. I score all three)
I had some bad luck with Initiative flips which could have swung the game in my favor at least a bit but overall we didn`t have any insane flips. I definitely need to use Scales of Justice with Swordfighter. I would probably had 8-10 more cards in this game. Inspection was a bad choice as it forced me to lose some models (lucky moderate from Ashes on the Hound lost me a VP). Overall Bartek is a pretty new player but he`s improving rapidly and he`s grasp on Hamelin is getting better and better each week.
Swordfighter: its an autotake. I used Acrobatic Assault way more than I thought I would but it was due to Hamelin no-charge aura and Ashes no-charge ability. Its still great but I definitely need more card draw in this crew to make up for the (0).
Crew Summary: so basically mostly everything worked out the way it should. Guard Sergeant is nice for moving scheme markers and accomplicing before you score Dig Their Graves. Austringer is a very good. Hounds were hounds. At least he activated anything important before I was done. Brutal Effigy is ok. Apart from Scheme selection I think the crew was pretty decent.
Hamelin Crew Summary: The crew wasn`t really anything special in terms of innovation. Ashes is obviously insanely good although if I could charge it I think it wouldn`t be that abusive. Bishop died pretty quickly so from this game we can say he puts makers quite well ;). I recommended Bigger They Are on AnD to Bartek and its pretty awesome. Rat Kings and Rat Catchers were annoying as always. Winged Plague is a nice scheme runner and Df5 with Armor +1 makes it pretty good for its cost.
MVP: Trapper that shoots a dog, wounds Francisco, falls of a HT5 Building and picks up 2 Evidence markers
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